"If you never try, you'll never know just what you're worth." Chris Martin

sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

Not at all.
According to that, I am virgo. But I do not think of it. It does not fit my personality at all. For me, zodiac sign is just a lie we believe in. I think there are facts that fit our personality in different things. But not the zodiac sign. We are free to choose how to be. We can make our way everyday as we like. We make the decision to behave in some ways, to act in this or that way, to believe or not, to accept what others say about us, or to be what we want.

Day 06 - A photo of yourself and write 30 interesting facts about yourself.

Well,  30 interesting things about myself…
I will start saying that I am a kind, collaborative, creative, positive and happy person.  I love cooking, especially noodles, deserts, and meat… I usually talk a lot, but I also enjoy being alone sometimes. I also can be silent for a while, but it does not mean that I am bored or sad… I am just checking what is going on, and reflecting on how I can be better, or just relaxing. I am not very affectionate, but when I say to someone that I love him or her, I really feel like I do it. I try to be a good friend. I am loyal,  sincere, and whole hearted. I totally dislike putting out others, or causing troubles and pain. I always try to do what I have to do on my own, without importuning others.  I enjoy living in a city, but I enjoy being in the countryside for a while, breathing, walking, listening to the wind, the leaves, and the water… I like listening to music, watching movies, and reading books. I am an open-minded person, and that makes me be flexible and easy-going when I have to deal with other people. I laugh a lot, but when the situation requires me to be serious, I can be… actually I am very serious… I like learning a lot from others’ ideas, culture, experiences and ways of life.  I like watching the stars at night and it would be great to study astronomy one day.  I like being with friends, no matter where, when or what for. I really love travelling and knowing different places. I would like to study medicine, since I consider I would be an excellent doctor; I am not scared of blood, I have enough curiosity and courage to face a surgery or any other disease, and the most important is that I would help others to  live in a better way. I like mathematics, music, humanities, history, and geography.  I like helping and listening to others. I appreciate others’ efforts.  I really commit myself with the things I get to do, and when something is very interesting for me. I like humanity/global issues, like nature preservation, human care affairs, global peace and so on.  “I just want to live my life while I am alive”, since life is very short to waste time crying or waiting for things that are not worthy. I can seem a little absent-minded, but I usually catch the little details, remember the things nobody does, and value the Little things.  I try not to care about what others think or say. I trust what I feel, and try not to judge people before knowing them. It can sounds difficult to believe, but it is very hard to me, to think bad of someone, even when I know that he or she is not a good person, because I have faith in people, in a better world, in happiness and peace. it is rare that I do not like someone just through looking at him or her; maybe I can feel some energies, but I try to give the rest of the people a chance to show who they are. I can be a little upheaval or rebel in some occasions, but it is always because of a fair reason. I do not like to stay quiet while others’ rights are broken. I can not endure unfair situations, I do not want to be silent when others are suffering… and for this reason, I try to be a better person everyday, to overcome my weaknesses and to correct my mistakes. 

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.

Actually, I am agaisnt suicide. I have not though about hurting myself in that way... I mean, after dying, there is nothing left for us to do... what if we regret of that in the last moment?

"La muerte es la solución para todos los problemas, y el único problema que no tiene solución"
"Death is the solution for any trouble, but it is also the only trouble that has no solution"

Life is not always perfect, like a bed of roses. Besides, roses have thorns. But those thorns do not take roses' beauty away. Life is like a branch of roses. It is beautiful although it hurts sometimes. But it deserves to be lived. No one asked for coming here to live. But now we are here and going back is not an option.

Nobody said it would be easy. Nothing is easy at all. But we are to try, to enjoy, to cry, to laugh and grow up. Life is not what we want, but life brought us until here. There should be something for everyone of us, like a purpose. There are very many things to be experienced by us.

It is obvious that we all have particular kind of troubles each one. Sometimes it feels like the own problem is the biggest and there is not solution for it. Maybe there are more than just one problem aroun us; but I think that the problems we have are the zise we just can overcome; that can explain why some people suffer with some things that seems easy going for others, and some face up situations that we can see impossible to surmount, and we get astonished when we see them getting better! It is like if everyone has the acid test he or she is able to endure.

Everybody suffers. Today someone may be ok, but tomorrow, even in a second, every single detail can suddenly change. There are lots of possiblities around us. Nobody has happiness for granted, and the most important thing is that NOTHING IS FOREVER.

That is what makes living such a challenge, such an adventure trip... Anything can happen. It is the risk we are expossed to... The risk of living is getting in love of life, then you won't want to die, after all.
What I want to say is that, since we are alive, we should try to enjoy, try to learn, try to do something, but not to let life pass away without any contribution by our side. There is always something else to do...

Besides.... Burials are very expensive, so, if you do not want to cause more problems, think it a little bit more... After dying, the problem is for the people who remains alive... they will have to pay... :P 

Day 04 - Your views on religion.

There are many different religions in our world, many different things to believe in, but, in some moments, I think that most of all have one point that is the most important for each one and becomes a commonality, that is the existence of a superior being, watching us every moment, giving us blessings, controlling our future...

God, Jahvé,  I am, The Lord, for me, there is just one core, deep in every one of these names. I also believe that this great, powerful being, is at the same time, tree different persons combined in a big, complete one, The Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holly Spirit, always looking at us and leading us to the best way.

Although I am not a very, very religious person, I do know and accept God to be the only one who know everything, who has the power to make things stay or change, the only one who lasts forever, and the only one who deserves love and loyalty... And I try to live my life keeping as much as possible the taught He gave us. I am not perfect at all. He is perfect, so I just try to live in peace, to enjoy and take advantage of everything and I appreciate what He always does for us...

It is not just a matter of keeping Saturdays, reflecting all the day,  drinking and eating just few "holly" things, not being picky because we are Catholics or protestants or Jewish, Greeks or Indians, nor rich or poor;. Drinking chocolate instead of coffee does not make me better than others... Giving more money does not make me free of sins... It is what I do with what I have, what for, and how I do it. It is doing the best, in the best way, reflecting the love we received for free, and this is very important: all of us were sinners, but God, whatever you call Him, forgives us everyday, of our daily failures.

I can be wrong about how to act, since I take it easy most of the time, But I just cannot imagine a life meant to be lived without feeling all the different things we can feel. If He gave us this awesome and singular opportunity to experience such a variety of feelings and senses, why not to do it? And who does not make mistakes, lose the chance to learn the lessons in a more meaningful way.Besides, it does not depend on what we do, I mean, we can not buy our eternal life, it is not just going to the church and act like if everything is going right when it is not. Or doing good things for other when I can not do something good for myself, or demanding discipline and  actions that I can not do... It is more a vertical relation between God and I; He knows us... and He knows our ways... We can lie to people but not to Him...

For me, God has it all right, written for us. The best decision we can make is to be close to Him, by his side, then we can life better. And when we fail, we can go back to Him and say "I could not do it, I made it wrong", because even when we fail, He is still kind, fair, and lovely. He can, and He wants to take us up. This is the truth for me: Jesus Christ is not a religion, but a way of life, a way of being, an opportunity of life for us, who did not deserve anything, but He gave it all to us for His sake, for his love. Then we must respond giving our heart back...

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.

Drugs an alcohol. I had been dealing with these topics before, and now I remember my English IV classes with Professor Alexander Ortiz. My best friends and partners, called "ua ja ja team work", by the way, and I, developed a research project at the university, to get deeper into the different reasons for students to use and abuse of them, and the diferent brands and kind of drugs consumed for young people in our context. Now I feel proud at us, because we really made our best, even when the grade does not show that. I mean. we did get involved into the topic, even when no one of us have ever consumed drugs and owr experience with alcohol has not been very close so far, at least Lida's and my experience were not so...

I think that we human beings, do not need to depend on how much alcohol is going across our vens or how high we are "triping" or "flying". I dissagree totally with the usage of drugs for stimulating our senses, mostly because it does not bring any well-being that can last more than a "trip". We need something that does not hurt us, but to make us feel motivated and intersted to live in the best way possible, a long, healthy life. Drugs  abuse is not that way.  They not only affect who is consuming fisically, but also affects  the mind, the social relationships, the self steem, the behavior, and also, and unfortunatelly, the people who are around the one consumer... becoming passive consumers as well, thus, everything in and outside the person turns into a very negative way.

About alcohol, as I wrote before, I do not drink too much, and I can say proudly that I have never been drunk. I do not think that alcohol is a bad thing, that is why maybe one day I can enjoy it a lot.  But I do not think that my happiness depends on it.  I can have fun, and I beleve anyone can do it too, without drinking beer or some other alcohol drinks. I mean, it has to be in our service, but us working  around alcohol, setting our emotional state based on alcohol, making it more important that it really is. We got to be in control about  when to stop drinking, what to do when we are drunk, drinking but with hig responsibility of what we do. I want to say, we can use it but not abuse of it. You know, excesses are never good.

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Day 02 - Where you’d like to be in 10 years.

There are very many different places around the world where I would like to be in ten years, but, when talking about living in there, things get a little bit complex because it has to be a place I really like and enjoy, where I am able to work and have any kind of stability.

Thinking about the fact that I must start living my life on my own in a few time, I have been reflecting upon some issues, such as my family; my parents and siblings so far, but in ten years, I hope I have at least my husband; anyhow I would like to have all of them a little bit close. Besides, I want to be in a place where I can use all the things I have learned until now, thus it has to be an english or french spoken country, rather than a latin one.

Now, about magic and other things, well, I know there is magic all around the world in each little space, but for me Japan, or any European country has right the fantasy and charm to get me tied... But it all is not about natural emotions... I also like technology, lights, big buildings, music... so I would like to be in a city rather than in a town. And there is two more important facts to take into account: I want to be in a place where the four seasons: summer, fall, winter and spring are very defined and I prefer cold weather more than the hot one.

About culture and life style, and I will be very brief in this stage, I really would love to be in England. English people are the right mixture among modernism and tradition I want. It is a dream, but dreams can become true, and so I hope.

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Day 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.


I will start saying that I am single. Sometimes it is funny and interesting, others, it cannot feel good, depending on the  different situations faced up by human beings.

I am 21 years old. Sometimes I think that I am very young yet, others that I am just young, and others, that I am getting old so fast.  As everything in this world, and as I wrote before, it always depend on what I am doing, what I am reflecting upon, what I am wanting in that specific moment, how I am feeling, how busy I am, and so, and so. I can say that I am happy, I really do not want to feel pressed to do anything, nor caught by my own feelings, or compelled to think  and behave in determined forms for others' sake. Anyhow, love, some people says, is not a matter of age, so, it will come to me, when it has to come. And definitely, I am not old at all.

I do think that freedom is the most valuable treasure I can ever have, then, loosing it is not part of the plan. Getting into such a relationship is a way to miss it. Even though you do not spend all the time with that person, one can be thinking, planning, wishing to do so... And not being able to stop "spending" time on doing that, although it is what a heart in love wants, it is a kind of curb...

But, on the other hand, and I get embarrased telling this, in some  few moments I would like to have someone close; as many people know, love is a needed sickness. Feeling love is one of the most amazing sensations I have ever experienced, because you can be extremely happy with little details, and, at the same time, extremely sad, because of little issues. Love is like Pandora's case... You never know what is going to happen, to come out from that. it is a mystery, and that makes it more attractive...

Love, love, love.... L'amour, l'amour, l'amour... Love is surround us.... There's nothing else to say...
"If it had not been this, it would have been anything else".


Day 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Day 02 - Where you’d like to be in 10 years.
Day 03 - Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Day 04 - Your views on religion.
Day 05 - A time you thought about ending your own life.
Day 06 - A photo of yourself and write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
Day 07 - Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
Day 08 - A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
Day 09 - How you hope your future will be like.
Day 10 – Someone who came into your life unexpected and made an impact.
Day 11 - Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.
Day 12 - Bullet your whole day.
Day 13 - Somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
Day 14 – A photo of a cherished memory.
Day 15 - 5 people in your life right now who mean the most.
Day 16 - Your views on mainstream music.
Day 17 - Your highs and lows of this past year.
Day 18 – Something that makes you laugh.
Day 19 - Disrespecting your parents.
Day 20 - How important you think education is.
Day 21 - One of your favorite shows.
Day 22 – Something you want to do before you die.
Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.
Day 24 – Somewhere you would like to travel.
Day 25 – A photo you took.
Day 26 - What kind of person attracts you.
Day 27 - A problem that you have had.
Day 28 - Something that you miss.
Day 29 - Goals for the next 30 days.
Day 30 - Your highs and lows of this month.

Well, I have made the decision of taking this challenge and write about this 30 issues during the next month. 
For more info about this challenge, go to : http://everyonedies.tumblr.com/post/2561192739