"If you never try, you'll never know just what you're worth." Chris Martin

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Day 30 - Your highs and lows of this month.

Well, during this month it has been hard and exciting. I am finishing X semester at the Uni. It makes me feel proud of my-self, excited for going out to see what is in there for me, to live freely, to do it on my own, to learn more, to make my life; but at the same time, I feel like if I am loosing part of me, taking the university away with all the things I did, learnt, lived in The UPTC. Like if I would never be there again, and this is true, I may be there, but it won't be the same... I do not know when this time passed away so fast! I will never be an undergratuate student, not like right now... and I will miss it.


Day 29 - Goals for the next 30 days.

For the next 30 days: It loceates me on June 22nd.

To be finished with the practice, the X term, the university...
To get something to do for next half of the year. 
To play one specific song in the guitar.
To read 3 books I have in stand by.


Day 28 - Something that you miss

I miss being at the school, young, with a whole future in front of me, with many possibilities, many things to do, with all the strenght for doing it, with many people around me giving me advise...

I miss those times when I did not get bored easily, when I had my family very close to me, when my problems where nothing... I miss home, full of people, full of games and joy...
I miss to be 12 years old. I miss the sun on sunday afternoons watching movies... going bicicling, or watching the rain falling while the others are sleeping... I miss home...  

Day 27 - A problem that you have had.

One day I set many different activities for the same time... Most of the things were very important, and I just did not know what I was thinking of, to get them all together, but in many different places at the same time. I was going mad... Besides, it started raining... and I was hungry and angry... Finally I did not attend to any of the meetings... I feel frustrated, sad, absolutely anxious and angry. I was furious with myself, and I let myself down because I always  try to be very careful with those issues, like setting things to have enough time for each one. It was a horrible day. 

Day 26 - What kind of person attracts you.

Someone with an nice, interesting voice, nice hands, intelligent, handsome, kind, responsible, loyal to what he thinks, feels and knows, skillfull in playing music, or painting, or making me laugh.

Day 25 – A photo you took.

Well, This is a picture of the Chicamocha's canyon. This place is located 1 hour away, driving from San Gil, Santander, to Bucarmanga City.  I took it last year, one day at 6 am. The view from the top of the canyon is just amazing. Going from the top to the bottom takes around 30 minutes (by car). I did not like this place too much before, but suddenly it became part of my life... Now I think it is one of the 8th wonders of the world.

Day 24 – Somewhere you would like to travel.


to Italy.


Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive.

Robert Pattinson   

Colin Firth
Jude Law 
Orlando Bloom    
Petter Fascinelli   

Day 22 – Something you want to do before you die.


Before dying I would love to travel around the world, to experience living in other places, to take the risk of doing it on my own, to be a foreign in a far land. To live !!