I am from a
wonderful God who makes me awe every single breath… every single day…
I am from
old prayers and songs that my parents and my granny know pretty well.
I am from
mornings with Colombian music sounding loud from my dad’ stereo.
I am from
my lovely mother with a cup of hot chocolate and her soft voice answering the
I am from
my sister Juli with her tourist walk and her lovely pictures.
I am from
my brother Juanito and his just-like-me face and his <hello> smile in the
I am from
Barbas, and his hazel/ gray, little eyes.
I am from a
no matter what we’ll be together…
I am from what
the distance could not set away.
I am from a
family that is not normal. It is just a family.
I am from a
bunch of loved relatives living in the coast… I am from suero and patacones for
I am from a
lovely wrinkled lady, called Martina… who sings a song about an apple and a
woman called Santana...
I am from a
couple of blond cousins and several not blond others… that are like siblings
for me…
I am from
an optical, with a lovely view of the Boyacense mountains and the furniture.
I am from
long afternoons with pretty good friends fixing glasses and doing whatever… I
am from trying to sing as Diego Verdaguer and Amanda Miguel.
I’m from a
friend who sings like and angel… and others who have a band… of … they know
what of…
I am from
an old church that now is kind of new. first in the town, a survivor, a fighter.
A refuge…
I am from
sitting in front of the church on Saturday night in the middle of the ninth st.
to chat, to play, to remember, to stay…
I am from
all my friends of the school since I was in kinder… until high school…
I am from
hot land and cold land, where the green looks in different shades, but keeps being
I am from several schools where life goes smoothly and happy…
I am from a
cold, E shaped building… And my crazy funny, smart and missed University mates…
and many nights learning, eating, dancing, playing, laughing...
I am from a
dirty land, made up by a friend in facebook.
I am from
trying to keep in touch after growing up
and getting jobs.
I am form a
new family gathered by some puppies in a white house, up in the hill, with mama
I am from
many teachers… crazy, singers, poets, demanding, wise, brave and friendly.
I am from a
red and yellow flag, and an old loved anthem sounding in my hearth since I was
I am from a
kitchen smelling to seasonings and many pets I was not supposed to have, but I did.
I am from
holidays with fireworks and wine, buñuelos and natilla, pictures, walks at
night, and sidewalks that could tell all my life if they could speak.
I am from a
blue bike my dad gave me in my birthday.
I am from a
helicopter and a sandwich I had to pay… but never replace…
I am from a
Saturday morning in the back yard, in 3
little improvised pools.
I am from
an old room, up stairs, filled with antique and old fashioned stuff and
I am from
many friends; old or new, but friends.
I am from a
place that smells to guava and milk, to coffee and love, to vacations, to
happiness, to heat, to home…
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